In case we haven't met yet, hi, I'm Bridget. I am so excited and empowered to share my signature framework that will radically shift your marriage. I have taken big concepts like polarity or taking back your power or standing in your truth, and actually pulled out four qualities that will help you do all of the above and so much more! When you, as the feminine within your marriage, learn to embody these qualities the truth of who your partner is will be revealed! You will ultimately get what it is you desire if you are willing to do the work to be a match for that.
Here is My Marriage Story.
I'm so glad it didn't end here.....
During the first decade of marriage, this was our default pattern.
I would have a need or a desire-> I wouldn't feel comfortable or didn't know how to share with an open heart-> Instead of being vulnerable, I would point out what my husband was lacking or doing wrong in an attempt to make my ego feel better-> He would withdraw which made me even angrier-> One of us would eventually apologize not because we understood each other, but we were sick of fighting. -> The cycle would continue!
I was more comfortable letting him see my anger than my hurt. So, I would spit venom with my words and I thought I was being very clear in my communication. I was convinced he was the problem. And guess what, nothing changed! Subconsciously I was creating a dynamic where my husband was afraid of me. He was afraid of my wrath and my need to control and criticize him, so instead of taking charge he would just sit back and wait to be directed.
This just furthered my resentment because I felt like his mother and he was further confused because he thought doing things my way and when asked was actually what I wanted. It was not!
We were stuck in a cycle of behaviors that were blocking us from showing up in true alignment. It wasn't until I was willing to look at my role in this dynamic that things really shifted for the better.
We still have moments where we slip back into our old patterns, but now we both have the awareness to recognize when we are off, and what we need to do to get back on track! We experience the most heightened conflict when I am not embodied in one of four powerful qualities that make up my signature framework.
Come join me Tuesday, June 6th for a powerful masterclass/ marriage tell-all! I'm giving away my best kept secrets and introducing my signature framework. We will meet live via zoom at 1:30pm EST, and a recording will be sent out to anyone who registers.
This framework will introduce four qualities that will help take your marriage to new heights.
I'm ready to S.O.A.R
Register below to get your spot.